Swiss Buyers' Info
- Switzerland
- France
- Austria
Property Types in Switzerland
Property Restrictions for Foreigners
Purchase Process and Costs
Buying Off-Plan
Buying in the Name of a Company
Rental Income and Running Costs
Rental Obligations
Investment and Selling
Annual Property Taxes
Staying in Switzerland and Swiss Residency
Square Metre Calculations
What are the annual property taxes?
Foreigners owning a property in Switzerland pay taxes to three bodies - the Federal Government, the Canton, and the Commune. The Canton and local commune taxes vary. Owners have a choice of completing a tax declaration disclosing their worldwide assets or being assessed simply on the fiscal value of their Swiss property. Most owners elect to be assessed.
The tax is calculated on notional rental value of the income which could be derived from the property. That is based on the fiscal or “tax value” of the property (about 60% of the market value). Using this calculation, the total annual taxes are around 0.5% of the market value of the property in Valais but in Vaud taxes are slightly higher at around 0.8%. Canton Valais does not re-assess the fiscal value of properties so you will probably pay the same tax in 10 years’ time as you do today but Canton Vaud revalue properties about every 5 years.
As an example, you would expect to pay total taxes of around 5,000 sfrs a year for a 3 bedroom apartment in Valais and you will pay almost the same annual tax if you decide to rent your apartment or if you prefer to keep it exclusively for your own use.
Information correct as of 1st January 2024. This may change as rules and regulations change often, so please contact us directly if you have any specific enquiries.
The tax is calculated on notional rental value of the income which could be derived from the property. That is based on the fiscal or “tax value” of the property (about 60% of the market value). Using this calculation, the total annual taxes are around 0.5% of the market value of the property in Valais but in Vaud taxes are slightly higher at around 0.8%. Canton Valais does not re-assess the fiscal value of properties so you will probably pay the same tax in 10 years’ time as you do today but Canton Vaud revalue properties about every 5 years.
As an example, you would expect to pay total taxes of around 5,000 sfrs a year for a 3 bedroom apartment in Valais and you will pay almost the same annual tax if you decide to rent your apartment or if you prefer to keep it exclusively for your own use.
Information correct as of 1st January 2024. This may change as rules and regulations change often, so please contact us directly if you have any specific enquiries.
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