Austrian Buyers' Info
- Switzerland
- France
- Austria
Property Types in Austria
Property Restrictions for Foreigners
Purchase Process and Costs
Buying in the Name of a Company
Rental Income and Running Costs
Rental Obligations
Investment and Selling
What are the annual running costs of owning an Austrian property?
The expenses of a development of chalets or an apartment building are usually divided up proportionately between the owners, according to the size of their property.
As a rough guide the basic running costs for a property are around 5 – 7 euros per m2/month. This would cover the cost of snow clearance, rubbish removal, water rates, building insurance, and local property taxes, cleaning and lighting for any communal areas, and maintenance of the gardens etc.
These expenses would not include your own personal usage of heating and electricity as this varies depending on how much you use the property.
If you buy a property with extensive leisure facilities such as swimming pools and spas then these costs could increase to around 7-11 per m2/month.
Information correct as of 1st January 2024. This may change as rules and regulations change often, so please contact us directly if you have any specific enquiries.
As a rough guide the basic running costs for a property are around 5 – 7 euros per m2/month. This would cover the cost of snow clearance, rubbish removal, water rates, building insurance, and local property taxes, cleaning and lighting for any communal areas, and maintenance of the gardens etc.
These expenses would not include your own personal usage of heating and electricity as this varies depending on how much you use the property.
If you buy a property with extensive leisure facilities such as swimming pools and spas then these costs could increase to around 7-11 per m2/month.
Information correct as of 1st January 2024. This may change as rules and regulations change often, so please contact us directly if you have any specific enquiries.
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