French Buyers' Info
- Switzerland
- France
- Austria
Property Types in France
Property Restrictions for Foreigners
Purchase Process and Costs
Advantages of Buying a Newbuild Property
Buying Off-Plan
VAT Rebate for Rented Properties
Buying in the Name of a Company
Rental Income and Running Costs
Investment and Selling
Annual Property Taxes
Staying in France and French Residency
What are the benefits of buying in the name of a company in France?
- Purchase a property with multiple partners - there must be at least 2 partners (related or unrelated) but there is no minimum contribution
- Tax-free ownership transfers – ownership can be transferred tax free (to children or grandchildren, for example) by a transfer of shares
- Tax efficiency – 10% reduction in the taxable amount of your property for Wealth Tax and negation of Inheritance Tax if you plan to transfer ownership
- No impact on mortgage application – SCIs and SARLs have a transparent structure so mortgage application will be treated as if you were simply applying in your own name
Information correct as of 1st January 2024. This may change as rules and regulations change often, so please contact us directly if you have any specific enquiries.
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