In the Autumn of 2018 we asked some local photographers and film-makers to put together a short video that gives a flavour of Saas Fee. The idea was to capture the essence of the place for people who don't know the resort intimately and for people who have never been at all.
We think the video does a great job of that and really shows this Swiss gem at its best. Some of our clients have found it useful in understanding the distinct atmosphere that the village has and the strong sense of community here.
This got us thinking, which other lesser-known ski resorts are there in Switzerland where a video introduction might capture someone's imagination? What other potentially hidden gems are there in the Swiss Alps that people are over-looking in their property search?
Well, since that first video we have worked with our local colleagues to complete introduction videos in 3 further ski areas in Switzerland and we have more to come.
View the collection so far below:
See behind the scenes below!